Palm Plants
Home >> Palm Plants
Palm Plants made available by us are widely used as
ornamental plants. Our wide range of Palm Tree Plants generally tall
in heights with spreading and long leaves. The Indoor Palm Plants
made available by us include Coyure Palm, King Palm, Minature Sugar
Palm, Nicobar Palm, and Jelly Palm and so on and so forth. All these
variety of palm plants are grown as per the international standard
at our nursery.
Besides, we also deal in Mini Palm Plant. Moreover, we are one of the major Palms Plants Suppliers in India.
Some of the palm plants and trees
that we have been serving are:
- Aiphanes Aculeata (Coyure Palm)
- Archontophoenix Alexandrae (King Palm)
- Areca Triandra
- Arenga Caudata (Minature Sugar Palm)
- Arenga Australasica (Australian Sugar Palm)
- Balaka Seemanii(Seemann's Palm)
- Bentinckia Nicobarica (Nicobar Palm)
- Bismarckia Nobilis (Bismark Palm)
- Borassodendron Machadonis
- Brahea Armata (Blue Hesper Palm)
- Butia Capitata (Jelly Palm)
- Butia Capitata (Jelly Palm)
- Butia Eriospatha (Wooly Jelly Palm)
- Carpentaria Acuminata
- Caryota Mitis (Clustered Fishtail Palm)
- Howea Belmoreana (Curly Palm)
- Hyphorbe Lagenicaulis (Champagne Palm/Bottle Palm)
- Hyphorbe Verschaffeltii (Mascerina Palm/Spindle Palm)
- Hyphaene Coriacea (Ilala Palm)
- Latania Lontaroides (Red Latan Palm)
- Latania Loddigesii (Blue Latan Palm)
- Latania Verchaffeltii (Yellow Latan Palm)
- Licula Grandiflora
- Licula Grandiflora
- Livingstona Decipiens (Ribbon Fan Palm)
- Livistona Australis (Southern Fan Palm)
- Livistona Rotundifolia (ChinaPalm)
- Livingstona Saribus (Taraw Palm)
- Nannorrhops Ritchina-Green (Mazari Palm)
- Nannorrhops Ritchina-Silver(Silver Mazari Palm)
- Narmanbya Normanbyi (Black Palm)
- Nypa Fruticans(Mangrove Palm)
- Orania Sylvicola
- Phoenix Palu Dosa (Mangrove Date Palm)
- Phoenix Robelenii (Pygme Date Palm)
- Pigafetta Filaris (White Wanga Palm)
- Pritchardia Pacifica (Pichutia Palm)
- Pritchardia Pacifica (Pichutia Palm)
- Ptychosperma Macarthurii (Macarthur Palm)
- Ravenea Rivularis (Majesty Palm)
- Ravenea Rivularis (Majesty Palm)
- Ravenala Madagascariensis (Travellers Palm)
- Rhapis Excelsa (Lady Palm)
- Rhapis Excelsa (Dwarf)
- Rhapis Excelsa (Miniature)
- Rhapis Excelsa (Variegated)
- Rhapis Humilis (Slender Lady Palm)
- Roystonea Regia (Cuban Royal Palm)
- Sabal Uresna (Sonora Palmetto Palm)
- Sabal Minor (Dwarf Palmetto Palm)
- Serenoa repens (Silver Saw Palmetto Palm)
- Veitchia Merrilli (Green)
- Veitchia Merrilli (Gold)
- Washintonia Filifera (Washington Palm)
- Wodyetia Bifurcata (Foxtail Palm)
- Zamia Furfuracea
- Dioon Eduli
- Dioon Spinulosum
- Encephalartos Barteri